Invisible skater


Invisible skater

Following with sketeboarding, if there is Spike Jonze’s invisible tables…why not to have quite the opposite: invisible skaters. Without reaching the same level of production of the previous video but still equally striking and interesting, I leave you this video called «Shoes». The theme song is «Time is nothing» by John Frusciante.

Invisible skateboard


Invisible skateboard

Still better than Marty McFly’s hoverboard are the invisible skateboards that appears in this video wich is part of the movie Yeah Right! made in 2003 by Spike Jonze.

Vívere - Prints


Vívere – Prints

This could sound like a typical female comment, but I must admit that my inner child likes the prints and drawings of Chauvechito’s t-shirts and socks of the last Vivere’s commercial.