Let's talk about marketing


Let’s talk about marketing

«Let’s talk about marketing with specialists» is the name of the First Conference on Marketing to be held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UNLP. As CEO of Grafikar, on May 5th Flavio Mammini presented his company as a case study. On this occasion, I made the design and development of multimedia material with Arol Echenique.

DesigNea (design + noreast)


DesigNea (design + noreast)

Flavio Mammini will be guest speaker with her talk «Discs packaging with body and soul» at the design event Designea that will take place on October 27th and 28th in the city of Posadas (Misiones, Argentina). So he asked me to design a 2007 calendar related to the talk that he will deliver as a gift.

Guacho Computer 2.0


Guacho Computer 2.0

This time, we will be in Andean highlands. Gaucho Computer is a design congress to be held on May 26th, 27th and 28th in the city of San Martin de los Andes (Neuquen, Argentina). Flavio and Carlos Mammini will be giving a conference and a workshop and they commissioned to me the design and development of the multimedia material.

Flavio Mammini in TMDG


Flavio Mammini in TMDG

Not just to deliver condoms we went to TrimarchiDG. Flavio Mammini was invited as a speaker and he talked about «Discs packaging with body and soul», and together with Francisco Alejandro Braga Boccaccio I was pleased to make the multimedia and video presentation for his conference.